Staggeringly, 60% of people in the UK do not have a Will; this means that over 30 million people risk dying intestate.

Only 63% of people aged over 55 have made a Will, this decreases to only 25% of 34-55-year-olds taking the risk despite the majority of these having dependents.

These statistics are worrying enough, but when you consider some of the nation’s more dangerous professions walking through life without this added protection, the results could be extremely devastating.

Horrifically, over 24,000 assaults took place on police officers from all forces in the past year, including 8,973 involving serious injury. Ensuring that you are protected if the worst happens is absolutely vital.

In 2017, the UK had the painful, excruciating and unimaginable job of thanking 63 brave tri-service employees for sacrificing their lives to ensure our continued safety. 40 people died in the Army, 11 in the RAF and 12 in the Naval Service. Making sure you have an up to date Will could avoid contentious probate issues and will clarify that your express wishes are considered after your death.

The RNLI attended 15,558 incidents, saving 84 lives, but also endangering the selfless volunteers in the process. Additionally, 70,000 NHS staff were assaulted within the past year. These figures highlight the incredibly challenging and dangerous job the emergency services carry out.

It also emphasises how important it could be to protect your estate and families. It is vital to have an accurate Will to ensure your intentions are considered if the worst happens.

Having worked in this fast-paced, arduous and challenging environment, Robert Phipps, owner of Pembroke Will Writers, based in Gillingham in Kent, understands the demanding job of the UK’s emergency services.

Having dedicated eighteen years of my life to the protection of the UK, firstly as a member of the Navy, fighting in the Falklands and later as a police officer. Myself and the Pembroke team would like to offer some help of their own; in recognition of the amazing job completed by the emergency services, we are announcing that for the month of November all emergency service professionals from across Kent will be entitled to 20% discount for all Wills.

All Wills come with my teams’ bespoke, expert and fully qualified advice. Flexibility is key to providing the best service, as it is clear that the remit of the emergency services does not always operate within usual business hours. In order to meet client’s needs, my team are more than happy to meet with people throughout the day or evening at a time that is convenient to them.

Are you or do you know are a police officer looking to ensure you protect your family; a member of the armed forces aiming to achieve complete security; an NHS employee solidifying your express wishes; a member of the RNLI, coastguard, mountain/air rescue? We welcome you to take advantage of this offer.

To enquire about the emergency service discount throughout the entire month of November, please contact Pembroke Will Writers or call 01634 353 658